Language, Language, Language

A few weeks ago our challenge had been to create a Rock Paper Scissors game using Ruby. This week we have been asked to create the game again, but this time using JavaScript, jQuery and CSS. For the non-coders out there, think of this like writing a poem for an assignment. Then being asked to

The joys of green

Working with code can be both very very rewarding, and very very frustrating. And it can fluctuate from one to the other, in very quick succession. Week 4 Working with code can be incredibly feel rewarding when you write a piece of code and it makes the tests go green (for non-coders, every bit of code

Why start a Startup?

At Makers we’ve been quietly beavering away at our new project for this week. We’re trying to build a program for the game Battleships in groups. Although the start was slow, as we struggled to break the game down into its most basic level, figuring out what needs to exist and what each part of

One down, eleven to go…

So week one of Makers Academy is over. How do I feel right now? Excited. I am more excited now about the course than I was at the beginning of the week. Starting a course that is this intensive, with a company that is still fairly young, was daunting. But as I get more involved

You want us to do what??

After an hour or so of coding this morning, my pair and I had come to the end of the list of instructions we had been given for the Boris Bikes. Eager to push on and keep going, after a brief break for coffee we went and found one of the coaches and asked him

Working inside the box

Day two begins. everyone slowly trickles in and we start our first lecture at 9:30. The lecture covers a lot of what my pair and I had attempted to do yesterday evening so it helps to consolidate and clarify what we had been doing. This is great because it means that when we are told to

“Welcome to your new life”

And so it begins. Day one of Makers Academy. I enter, early enough to look eager, but not early enough to look awkward. Some look confident, already standing around with a mug of tea or coffee. Some look nervous and stressed, wondering what they’ve gotten themselves into, or if they can survive the course. To